Sunday 3 March 2013

I have a common point about family with my host mother. She has 3 sisters and 1 brother. Her oldest sister is 14 years older and my sisters are  11 and 17 years older than me. So there is big age gap and sometimes it's like another mother;) My host mother's mother had  sisters who were also 17,15 and 10 years older than herself. When her mother died, she was only 5 her 3 sisters raised her and her brother who was 10 years old.Her father already had died.Growing up was hard.
My host mother comes from a big family!!! She has many cousins:)
Just 2 of her aunts had 9 children each.So she has 40 cousins(*o*)!
But a lot she has not met as they are much older and moved overseas before she was born.Her cousins are around 60 years of age!!
That's unbelievable! 
A family reunion is huge and needs a hall!!!

Another common point is we are both aunts very young. That's like having a younger sister or brother! We are also babies of the families;)

So we are very similar!!!

 ~an addition~
I went my host mother's parents's house!!!
My host mother's mother made these dolls which are knitted.These are so cute<3 aren't these? 

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