Monday 29 July 2013

Earthquake on Monday 8th of July 2013 at 9:58:44 am

It was happened when I was in ESOL calss. We were doing assesment practice.It was a little bit bigger than that I've ever felt in NZ.

  • Depth: 72 km
  • Magnitude: 4.9
  • Location: 30 km east of Waipukurau

  • I felt a little bit scary because that reminded me when I had a big earthquake in Japan.
    Chikae was so scared of it and she became sick. She went out of our class so I followed her and I was trying her to calm down.
    After that, I was soooooooooooo surprised because Cook said "I felt earthquake for the first timein my life. I also feel scary." Everyone was surprised too and we were like "Really?(OoO!!!)" and she said "We don't have earthquake in Thai." By the way, Ink felt a little one before in New Zaland.
    Anyway that reminded us about big earthquake in Japan.

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