Thursday 27 June 2013

Winter season in japan.

I love winter because I like atmosphere of winter season and we have Christmas,the begin day of new year and my birthday is in winter;) Also,frequently,we have snow in Tokyo.

In Japan,November to February is winter season. January and February are the coldest months.The temperature is around 7 degrees.

The things I like to do in winter are drinking hot chocolate or miso soup,hahaha, eating ice cream,wearing scarf,playing sports,watching skating on TV,staying in Kotatsu and saying "It's so cold:(". hehehe

Everyone scared of static electricity in winter. There is static zone in our school but I have to pass there when I go to the other classroom. We pass there really carefully and sometimes we get static electricity. Somepeople scream! and if worst comes to worst, one of my friends get from there and the other friend gets a shock from her and the other and .... Endlesss!!!!
That's one of the real thrill in winter for me.hahaha

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