Sunday, 24 March 2013

The Presentation.

This is a my home town's Prezi.

This is the Prezi at assembly.

I did the presentation using this Prezi at assembly.
It was hard to find the picture of uniform in Prezi. Also sometimes my host family's PC was freeze during we were creating the Prezi. However I felt really happy now because after assembly speech, many people spoke to me and said "Well done!".
 I could get oppotunity to talk various people.
Usually I feel very nervous in front of many people but I didn't feel so nervous more than usually yesterday. It's my good news for me;)

My friends thought the sailor uniform which is I wore is traditional clothes.:)

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

My host father

I would like to tell you about my host father.

He is a baker. He is an Austrian.
He knows so many people!! They are of course friends and also customers.
When I went push bike to Napier town with him.He always spoke to someone.I thought they are him friends but I heard that later they were not friends even acquaintances. I was really surprised that!!!
I thought the word that friendly is for him! hehe:) and I should follow him. But I also thought practice is hard.
I want to be conscious that during the day.

His customer knows me but I have not met yet. ;) His customer saw me when I go home and told my host mother that. I was frightening because  I think there were a few people when I go home so I thought nobody notice me. I thought I should be careful  from now.
My host mother told me that one day some people who went by called her "Hi! Jennie" ( my host mother's name.) However she doesn't know them so she was surprised. The factor is him!!
Can you believe that? I cannot...hehe ;)That's very interesting story isn't that??

I always eat his bread and some sweets<3 It is nice:)
My host mother take the trouble to prepare me some sweets everyday every different things from his bakery!!


                                     Fruit cheese cake

I become so happy when I eat them;) But I have to be care to be not fat!!!!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

I have a common point about family with my host mother. She has 3 sisters and 1 brother. Her oldest sister is 14 years older and my sisters are  11 and 17 years older than me. So there is big age gap and sometimes it's like another mother;) My host mother's mother had  sisters who were also 17,15 and 10 years older than herself. When her mother died, she was only 5 her 3 sisters raised her and her brother who was 10 years old.Her father already had died.Growing up was hard.
My host mother comes from a big family!!! She has many cousins:)
Just 2 of her aunts had 9 children each.So she has 40 cousins(*o*)!
But a lot she has not met as they are much older and moved overseas before she was born.Her cousins are around 60 years of age!!
That's unbelievable! 
A family reunion is huge and needs a hall!!!

Another common point is we are both aunts very young. That's like having a younger sister or brother! We are also babies of the families;)

So we are very similar!!!

 ~an addition~
I went my host mother's parents's house!!!
My host mother's mother made these dolls which are knitted.These are so cute<3 aren't these?