Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The stories in my holiday;)

13th~16th July

I went to Rotorua to meet all my classmates,teachers and have exams.
I caught the bus from informaition centre in Napier town in the morning. It was raining and when I got there, the informaition center was not opened yet so I had to wait in the car. Other wise, I could get wet because there was no roof. Then Mamiko who is going to Sacret Girls Hight School came and the informaition centre is also opened so I went to there.I didn't meet Mamiko for a few weeks so it was nice to meet her. Then our guardian came there and gave us Daifuku which is Japanese sweets and she made it for my class mates who is staying in Napier area. It's so nice of her;) We ate that when we were on the bus and everyone was excited!!! Chikae and Chisaki didn't come to the information centre even it was 1 minutes before the bus came so I thought they are late but actually they were in their cars! lol
We stopped at Taupo and had lunch. I went to Japanese food restaurant. By the way, almost all Japanese restaurants' shop assistants are not Japanese. It's so weird for us.
Anyway, we arrived at Rotorua and had exams straight  

Monday, 29 July 2013

Earthquake on Monday 8th of July 2013 at 9:58:44 am

It was happened when I was in ESOL calss. We were doing assesment practice.It was a little bit bigger than that I've ever felt in NZ.

  • Depth: 72 km
  • Magnitude: 4.9
  • Location: 30 km east of Waipukurau

  • I felt a little bit scary because that reminded me when I had a big earthquake in Japan.
    Chikae was so scared of it and she became sick. She went out of our class so I followed her and I was trying her to calm down.
    After that, I was soooooooooooo surprised because Cook said "I felt earthquake for the first timein my life. I also feel scary." Everyone was surprised too and we were like "Really?(OoO!!!)" and she said "We don't have earthquake in Thai." By the way, Ink felt a little one before in New Zaland.
    Anyway that reminded us about big earthquake in Japan.

    Tuesday, 2 July 2013

    ORIGAMI lessons!!

     We had Origami lessons two days at lunch time. It was great! Chikae,Risa and I told how to make a dodecagon with Origami.There were two type of paper dodecagon so we  separated into two groups to teach different it.

     Everyone concentrated to make it and looked fun! Also everyone asked me like "Is this right?"  "How to do this?'' ''Could you help me?'' and so on and called my name when they ask me!!!!! I was sooooooooooooooooooooo happy because they remembered my name and I could be someone's help. I hope so! I found it was not easy to explain how to make it.Risa was so good at teaching how to make it!!!! I thought I should follow her example.

     Then the international students from Iona came here. I was surprised because I didn't know that. There were 4 or 5 Japanese students! and the other students were from Thai and Korea.I didn't have any idea there is some Japanese students in Iona. Some of them are younger than me. That was really good meeting! I want to learn something with them

     About next lesson,some people came to finish it and some people learned the other Origami stuff. We prepared paper candy boxes and a little little tiny paper cranes and put a crane and a miniature chocolate bar in the candy box. We gave it to them who came to learn as "Thank you for coming;)" then, some of them gave me a hug. That's so sweet<3

    I was glad to have such a great opportunity!!!! Also,I was happy about they seemed to be enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to having next culture club events! It's so cool because we can learn from local people and demonstration.

    Thursday, 27 June 2013

    Winter season in japan.

    I love winter because I like atmosphere of winter season and we have Christmas,the begin day of new year and my birthday is in winter;) Also,frequently,we have snow in Tokyo.

    In Japan,November to February is winter season. January and February are the coldest months.The temperature is around 7 degrees.

    The things I like to do in winter are drinking hot chocolate or miso soup,hahaha, eating ice cream,wearing scarf,playing sports,watching skating on TV,staying in Kotatsu and saying "It's so cold:(". hehehe

    Everyone scared of static electricity in winter. There is static zone in our school but I have to pass there when I go to the other classroom. We pass there really carefully and sometimes we get static electricity. Somepeople scream! and if worst comes to worst, one of my friends get from there and the other friend gets a shock from her and the other and .... Endlesss!!!!
    That's one of the real thrill in winter for me.hahaha

    Sunday, 9 June 2013

    The strange thing at Woodford House...

    It's not only strange but also funny!;) ...

    I often have happenings on the school bus. One time, the back of the bus was opened when it stayed in front of the Woodford House. I'm not really sure why it was opened. I couldn't ask to someone because it happened a few days later when I arrived here so I didn't have any courage to ask.Usually the bus leave school at 4;30 p.m. but the other bus came here about 5 something...so that was my first time to go back home later than usual.

    Second,That was on my way,the bus driver stopped the spot where we stop everyday and boys got off the bus so he tried to go but the bus couldn't go because it got stuck. Maybe... Suddenly,like the emergency alarm became ringing in the bus and didn't stop even he tried to stop to push the button. So he called his company and the other bus came there. The other driver who drove another bus came on the our bus and pushed somewhere.Then it became all good. It was sooooooooo short time like a magic so everyone was surprised and couldn't believe it a little bit.  "It's repaired! Trust me;)" he said and went back for another bus. When we was waiting the other bus the boy who just got off the bus whose mother came and gave us an ice cream!!!! There was hot in the bus so it was really nice:)<3

    Third,there was a big honey bee in the bus. We were so surprised and scared of it. The driver had to keep driving.We didn't have any timing to stop. And we couldn't open the window because girls were so confused. Some people said "Please someone kill it." but the  other girl said "Don't kill it! It's cute. You don't have to kill!!" I thought she has a really nice heart<3 ;) That was warm happening.

    I have a lot of happening on the bus. It's so funny and strange for me. Because does people often have happenings like this? And it's not so long period like a year!!!
    I'm looking forward to having next encounter. haha


    Wednesday, 22 May 2013

    My leisure time

    I like listening the music,dancing,watching TV and so on.
    I was listening J-pop everyday in Japan when I was in the train and walking. I'm trying to listen the western music(I mean the songs which is in English) or radio as much as I can from when I came here. It's so hard for me.:( Because I used to listen only J-pop.Sometimes I listen my favorite music which is J-pop still now.

    I belong to be dance club at Japanese school.I have performance at school festival and so on.We choregraph by ourselves for our grade performance and Our senior who graduated our school choregraph for the whole member's performance.It's volunteer. So we do a lot of defferent type of dance but almost all Hip-hop. I haven't done dancing for about two years. I want to dance with my friends.I'm missing them.
    Now,I have stage challenge.It's different type of dance from what I used to dance so it's novel for me.

    I was watching TV everyday in Japan. I don't really watch TV in here because I cannot understand all correctly so I don't feel like I wanna watch TV or somethimg.Also I have so many homework from Japanese school.However recently I watch!
    I watched Arrow.It was a little bit scary.

    Tuesday, 14 May 2013

    Three weeks holidays

    My three weeks holidays were great! ;) But that is gone so fast...

    In the first week, I played with Chikae almost all day.We went to the Napier town, Taradale town and each other's house. We spent about 4 hours at the McDonald one day. We were just talking!!! We had drinks 4 or 5 times. I said that to my host family later.Then they said "Really?  It's not good for your health!:("    (That's right...Oh no~...It's too late when I noticed that.)

    I met many Japanese friends who are my classmate in japan and I caught the bus many times to meet them. However there is only 4 buses in a day and no bus on the weekend where it's the nearest bus stop from my home. I was worried every time when I caught the bus because I don't know the around views where I should get off. So I asked the driver and there were happnings which I didn't expect. One time, I went to my friend's house.She lives in Histings. I wanted to get off at Heretaunga St and there is that street's name on the bus time table and I asked to the driver but he said I don't stop there! What??? I was so confused.Then he said I can drop you off near there and he was kind so I could go there. And after that I should walk to near the Hastings hospital so I wanted to ask someone where it is but there was only a few people  and they were all working because that time was  before the shops is opened. It was hard to find person to ask.At last I could ask and arrive her house! That was a little bit my challenge day.

    I went to Hamilton by car. I met my host mother's families in there. I did flying fox.It was so fun!! I felt a little bit scary before I did.My mind was like when people do bungee jumping.I had picnic, dinner with another sister's family, fire outside, spa, flying fox and went farmer's market, museum and so on!!!There were my host mother's niece and nephew. They are same age as My nieces! They made bracelets for me♥ So I was excited and recalled about them.I'm missing them :(  I went to Wairakei again in Taupo.  Last time we went there with Chikae!!! My host mother got eczema on her hands but that heal her eczema!!! 


    Saturday, 6 April 2013


    Chikae gave me easter egg which is made by Chikae! Mrs.Ellis also gave me easter bunny<3 It was so yummy;)

    The Easter bunny came to my house on Sunday morning!!!
    I was so surprised that. Because I don't have Easter break in Japan so I didn't know that to come Easter bunny .It's like a present from Santa Claus.

    Ink was staying with me during Easter. I and my host mother learned Thai!!! I can say "Hello!"
    "How are you?"
    "Good" "Not good"
    "Be careful"
    and so on.
    I went shopping to Napier two times with Ink.We went to the KFC. The staff was Maori so she spoke English different accent.It was hard to understand :( But it was fun!!
    We met Mr. Rodriguez ,Ink's friends and Risa.

    I went to the ocean beach. It was windy and a little bit cold to enter the sea so I didn't enter the sea.I slept on the beach. That was warm and nice sounds. it was so good;)

     I also did push bike with Ink. My host father told me good cycling course so I took Ink there. However we lost our way. The car's speed was so fast. We were surprised and said "be careful" each other in Thai;) haha
    We saw rabbit but it was dead.If we didn't lose our way,we didn't see:( I got shock...
    At any rate,we were glad to get home safe again and it was good!

    The ball!

    I had the ball on 22nd of March. It was my first ball. But it should be my last ball because I don't have like the ball in Japan.

    I left Woodford House at noon to prepare for the ball. Mrs Thomas took me and Chikae.
    We put make-up, set hair style and did manicure.That time passed so fast! We were a little bit late to leave home but it was no problem;)

    I was so inpressed because everyone is so cool,pretty adult. Also the place where the ball was held was sooooo beautiful<3 I was surprised and I felt nervous more than before.
    My table member was Hannah,Sheldon,Anna,Katie,Elizabeth and me. Anna often spoke to me.

    Sunday, 24 March 2013

    The Presentation.

    This is a my home town's Prezi.


    This is the Prezi at assembly.


    I did the presentation using this Prezi at assembly.
    It was hard to find the picture of uniform in Prezi. Also sometimes my host family's PC was freeze during we were creating the Prezi. However I felt really happy now because after assembly speech, many people spoke to me and said "Well done!".
     I could get oppotunity to talk various people.
    Usually I feel very nervous in front of many people but I didn't feel so nervous more than usually yesterday. It's my good news for me;)

    My friends thought the sailor uniform which is I wore is traditional clothes.:)

    Tuesday, 5 March 2013

    My host father

    I would like to tell you about my host father.

    He is a baker. He is an Austrian.
    He knows so many people!! They are of course friends and also customers.
    When I went push bike to Napier town with him.He always spoke to someone.I thought they are him friends but I heard that later they were not friends even acquaintances. I was really surprised that!!!
    I thought the word that friendly is for him! hehe:) and I should follow him. But I also thought practice is hard.
    I want to be conscious that during the day.

    His customer knows me but I have not met yet. ;) His customer saw me when I go home and told my host mother that. I was frightening because  I think there were a few people when I go home so I thought nobody notice me. I thought I should be careful  from now.
    My host mother told me that one day some people who went by called her "Hi! Jennie" ( my host mother's name.) However she doesn't know them so she was surprised. The factor is him!!
    Can you believe that? I cannot...hehe ;)That's very interesting story isn't that??

    I always eat his bread and some sweets<3 It is nice:)
    My host mother take the trouble to prepare me some sweets everyday every different things from his bakery!!


                                         Fruit cheese cake

    I become so happy when I eat them;) But I have to be care to be not fat!!!!

    Sunday, 3 March 2013

    I have a common point about family with my host mother. She has 3 sisters and 1 brother. Her oldest sister is 14 years older and my sisters are  11 and 17 years older than me. So there is big age gap and sometimes it's like another mother;) My host mother's mother had  sisters who were also 17,15 and 10 years older than herself. When her mother died, she was only 5 her 3 sisters raised her and her brother who was 10 years old.Her father already had died.Growing up was hard.
    My host mother comes from a big family!!! She has many cousins:)
    Just 2 of her aunts had 9 children each.So she has 40 cousins(*o*)!
    But a lot she has not met as they are much older and moved overseas before she was born.Her cousins are around 60 years of age!!
    That's unbelievable! 
    A family reunion is huge and needs a hall!!!

    Another common point is we are both aunts very young. That's like having a younger sister or brother! We are also babies of the families;)

    So we are very similar!!!

     ~an addition~
    I went my host mother's parents's house!!!
    My host mother's mother made these dolls which are knitted.These are so cute<3 aren't these? 

    Thursday, 28 February 2013

    Happy and Sad news

    I have a Sad news and a Good news.

    Which one do you want to know first? haha

    I tell you a good news first! 
    It is my friend's birthday!! Happy birthday;) But it's not today. I mean she was born in a leap day<3<3 huhu~
    She is a year ahead of me in school in Japan. I'm a member of a dance club in Japan and she is in dance club too. She also study abroad in New Zealand last year.

    The sad news is that Ella left here today. I knew that in this morning.
    She was always smiling at me and Chikae and spoke to us a lot.
    So we were really happy!! But she has gone...I'm very sad:(
    We made a dodecahedron, heart and flower by Origami and wrote a letter.
    She seemed happy when we gave them! 
    I hope that she can have a wonderful time in Gisborne.

    Thank you so much Ella<3

    Tuesday, 26 February 2013

    My impressions on NZ.

    I was impressed by that how wide and beautiful is the sky.
    The sky in New Zealand  heal me<3 And there are so many natures !I feel like I'm in another world.

    We have morning tea! I don't have that in Japan so I'm very happy;)

    The people in New Zealand speak English so fast speed! At first,I can hear that's like a tongue twister for me. hehehe
    It's made hard to understand because even I don't know means of many words.But I can understand a little bit more than before.

    I was surprised at that everyone can use P.C. in the class. I think that is very smart!

    There are many things that I can choose in the classes for example in Maths class,teacher says "Any 10 questions from here!" so I can choose questions which I want to answer.Moreover we always review the questions with everyone which we could't answer so I can know some tricky question even if I didn't answer the question! That's really nice system. 

    I often act as a class in my school in Japan. I have form time at morning and end of the  day. We take same classes sometimes separate into two groups but  it is same subject. That's why I felt strange at the first time because every subject is different friends;-o!

    The different things from Tokyo and happy daily happenings!

    I was surprised at many things. It takes a long time to explain all so I will tell some of
    1. I heard that cattle were crying when I was in Maths class. It was very loud!! Everyone laughed about that;)hehe  I thought it cannot believe like that happening if I'm in Tokyo.So I could have a good experience.And there are also horses and sheep everywhere when I ride school bus and so on. It's like I always go to the zoo!!! 
    2. There is a no signal so I feel uneasiness when I across the road. I have to across the road everyday but I feel that still now. Don't you feel it?
    3.Some students who may be my neighbor give me them smile!!!  I felt really happy<3
    4.Sometimes teachers give some sweets for students. 
    5. It has a very beautiful starlit sky.(*o*)// And it has wonderful sky during the day. I moved by them<3
    6. There are not so many people so we cannot ask someone immediately when we get lost. Then we have to say "Hello? Does anyone in here? Please help us !!" loudly! That's a joke. hehehe;-) 
    7.Woodford House has a lot of building in school. My school in japan has 5.
    8. We can go to the sea very easily! We need to have long time to go there from Tokyo.

    I like here!<3 

    Saturday, 23 February 2013

    About Woodford House

    I will introduce about my school.
    Woodford House is school for girls.There are border girls and day girls.We have two uniforms that is called day uniform and dress uniform.There is chapel in my school and we have to wear dress uniform every Friday because we have prayer at chapel. 
    We have common room where we can have a break.There are a microwave,a refrigeator,a pot,sofa and TV!!! It's very nice;)
    We have dinning room too!! I can get some cake,fruit in morning tea and eat lunch. We have two hot food,salad bar,some fruits and bread for lunch. Our school's dishes is well-known as delicious food around near schools!!! hehe..
    I like woodford house because teachers and friends are very kind and warm! I can't understand classes exactly still now but  Ms Sime who is my biology teacher encouraged me and Ms Barron always speak to me when I saw her in school. Ms Ellis too.So I'm always thankful for them,Chikae and my host family. Thank you<3

    Monday, 18 February 2013



    My name is Mayumi Okazaki.

    I'm from Japan.

    I was born in England but I can't speak English well because I staied there about 2 years. So I don't remember clearly about that.

     I have two older sisters. Their name is Yukiko and Rie.And I have two nieces. Their name is Mai and Wakana. They are 6 and 4 years old and reallly sweet.<3

      My hobby is dancing especially Hip-Hop dance. I practice dance at stage challenge now. It's like ballet so it's a little bit hard for me.But I enjoy that!!

    This is the rainbow that I saw for the first time in New Zealand. If you have a probrem, you remember this picture!!!